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The Wayne SWCD (Soil and Water Conservation District) is governed by five board members that are elected from the populous of Wayne County. Each board member serves a three year term as public officials and serve without pay. They are protected from liability by laws which indemnify all SWCD supervisors from personal liability in any civil actions arising from involvement with the SWCD. Board members provide locally led input and guidance to the programs and services provided by the Wayne SWCD. Staff provide the daily services and programs on behalf of the Board of Supervisors.

 Wayne SWCD Board of Supervisors

Left to Right:

Jeff Gochnauer, Public Relations

Scott Stoller, Vice Chairman

Matt Peart, Secretary

Dustin Ramsier, Fiscal Agent

Randy Tegtmeier, Chairman

Wayne SWCD Staff

Left to Right:

Kathy Burley, Secretary

Kelly Riley, Education Specialist

Stacey Hiller, Administrative Assistant

John Lorson, District Program Administrator

Cody Beale, Ag Resources Coordinator

Ricky Papay, Water Resources Specialist

Rob Kastner, Water Management Engineer 


(The NRCS office is no longer housed together with Wayne SWCD)

They are located with the FSA office at 2375 Benden Drive in Wooster.

Left to Right:

Jeff Lefever, Civil Engineering Technician (Retired)

Ray Rummel, Agriculture Conservation Experienced Service Employee

John Knapp, District Conservationist

Colin Nugent, Area Engineer

(Not Pictured) Scott Kenreich,  Resource  Conservationist