Educational Resources

Educational Resources

Lesson ideas, educational hand-outs and interesting readings all on PDF downloads or links. 

  Forestry and Conservation for Kids - webpage with MANY  Educational Conservation links 

  Climate & Weather Explorer - webpage with MANY great Education Resources PreK-HS by SeaGrant Ill & Ind 

  Ohio Wildlife Field Guides and Backyard Wildlife -  webpage by ODNR - list of all PDF guides available for download

  Outdoor Learning: The Importance of Trees - webpage with great information and LINKS.  Thanks to Ms. Mendelson & Katrina, Elizabeth, Julia, and Chris  for this link!

Wild Ohio 2022 Issue: Roosevelt Game Preserve Centennial 1922-2022 PDF of scanned article in the magazine about  Ohio's first wildlife area. 

EARTHRISE! Earthrise leverages NASA’s digital community of practice for educators, and a broad network of learners associated with NASA’s federal partners, to provide K-12 educators and learners with a focused, monthly collection of Earth and climate science resources from across the federal enterprise. Educators are invited to register for this monthly engagement that will continue through the remainder of 2024. Our primary focus is centered around access to Earth and climate resources for the K-12 community.  Go to  to sign up!   You won't regret it! 



Outdoor Learning / Land Labs

Plastics / Pollution


Streams / Macroinvertabrates / Fish

Watersheds / Storm Water

Students are asked to submit a proposal that answers the questions: “What can you do to improve your watershed?”

Wetlands /  Habitat 
