What is a Watershed?
An area of land that drains to a common body of water, such as a stream, creek, river, pond, lake or ocean. It is the entire land area that contributes runoff to a particular body of water. Watersheds come in all different sizes. Wayne County has six main watersheds. The main watersheds in Wayne County are the: Chippewa Creek, Killbuck Creek, Sugar Creek, Tuscarawas, Mohican River and Muddy Fork River. All of our water eventually flows to the Muskingum River, which flows to the Ohio River and then proceeds to the Mississippi River, which eventually runs into the Gulf of Mexico. The amount and quality of water in a stream or other water body is the direct result of everything humans do on the land surrounding it.
Want to find your local watershed? Enter your zip code or city name on EPA's website, and it will give you your local watershed. Visit this great EPA website to find YOUR local watershed and any water quality issues!
It's called: How's My Waterway... https://mywaterway.epa.gov/
Click to drop a raindrop anywhere in the contiguous United States and watch where it ends up. This website is so cool!
Check it out at https://river-runner.samlearner.com/
Another Watershed Link for OHIO... visit the Ohio Watershed Network and the if you click on your area of interest you can find your 8-digit HUC code and a link to a list of watershed groups in your area.
Please go to https://ohiowatersheds.osu.edu/node/1694 to visit this site!
Maps of Ohio Watersheds & Drainage Basins - by ODNR Division of Water Resources - a site to learn more and download maps of PRINCIPAL STREAMS & THEIR DRAINAGE AREAS in Ohio!
Wayne County is served by 52 watersheds according to ODNR, seven of which drain over 90% of the county.
The most substantial watershed, the Killbuck Creek spans across western Wayne County and drains 73,300 acres (20% of the county total).
The Chippewa Creek and Sugar Creek watersheds located in the Northeast and Southeast areas, drain approximately 67,500 acres (19%) each.
The Muddy Fork watershed, though predominantly located to the west in Ashland County drains roughly 43,500 acres (12%) within Wayne County.
Approximately 26,000 acres (7.3%) are drained by Newman Creek in the eastern areas of the County.
About 16,700 acres ( 4.7%) are drained by the Salt Creek tributary system located in the Southeast area.
Apple Creek, a significant tributary of Killbuck Creek, drains over 35,200 acres (9.9%) in the Central and Southeast areas.
For more information click this link.