Oil and Gas
Pipeline Information
Wayne County has the potential to have several transmission pipelines installed in the near future. Several pipelines have been proposed for construction and are in the preliminary stages of design. Impacted landowners may have been contacted by pipeline representatives or received correspondence. Names of some of the projects include Nexus, ET Rover, and Kinder Morgan Utopia East and West. The Sunoco pipeline was installed in 2015.
To receive assistance with disputes involving the construction and operation of FERC jurisdictional projects, landowners should contact the Commission's Landowner Helpline Toll Free at 1-877-337-2237 or by email at LandownerHelp@ferc.gov
Starting in 2017 - ET Rover will be the first breaking ground and moving forward in Wayne County. We will try to keep landowners up to date as best as we can - and pass on any information. Feel free to contact our office and stop by and we can try to answer questions or send you in the right direction.
Ohio State University: Pipeline Project Plan
NEXUS Pipeline
Construction Status Reports
FERC Inspection Reports
ROVER Pipeline
ET Rover
Proposed to travel through Wayne County from West to East from Ashland County to Stark Co. This project involves two 42" diameter pipes for natural gas transmission. We have copies of maps in our office as does the Wayne County Library, City of Wooster, and impacted townships, within the proposed route. The Wayne County Auditor also has the proposed route as a GIS overlay on their website.
To use the Auditor GIS, click the link below, click the map tab middle top of GIS page, then click the green layers button. A box will open, click the triangle next to GIS data, then click the box next to Rover Pipeline Project. You can zoom in to look at more specific information.
The document says that FERC orders that a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity is issued to construct and operate the Rover pipeline (pages 103, 104)
If the above certificate is issued then Rover can acquire land through eminent domain (pages 24, 25)
Responses to Agricultural Impact questions (pages 74-79)
Environmental Conditions of the Final EIS – Items that have to be done prior to construction (pages 111-121)
Kinder Morgan Utopia East is a 12" diameter pipeline that will run from Harrison County to Fulton County Ohio. This pipeline will carry fractionated natural gas liquids including ethane and ethane-propane mixtures. We do not have a detailed location map for either pipeline.
Helpful Pipeline Links
Ohio Pipeline Standard and Construction Specifications - ODA's web page under Program Information - with the Division of Soil and Water Conservation District's
Negotiating Pipeline Easements - The Ohio State University
Diagnosing Soil Compaction Using a Penetrometer - Penn State Extension
Bulk Density - Soil Quality
Water Well Testing Information
PRE-TESTING WATER WELLS PRIOR TO OIL/GAS DRILLING - Locally specific to Wayne, Holmes, and Ashland Counties
Recommendations for Water Well Sampling Before Oil & Gas Drilling - OEPA
Oil and Gas Drilling/Lease Information
Pipeline Easement/Right-of-way Considerations (Ray Rummel, Carroll SWCD)
Special thanks to Dale Arnold, OFBF's Director of Energy Services: Ohio Farm Bureau Federation for the resources!