Teacher Trunks
Teacher Trunks
The following Educational Trunks can be loaned out for a 2-3 week period. Borrower is responsible for pick-up and delivery of kits unless otherwise arranged.
PETE’s Pack– Teach your students about recycling with this kit. Comes with lesson plans & plastic examples.
STREAM Stewardship –This trunk has a preserved macroinvertabrate collection, the Save Our Stream manual, water quality books, lessons, and videos. Great for an “indoor” stream study.
Animal Tracks Kit –This trunk contains animal track molds for 10 different animals with directions on how to use plaster of paris, or make stamps & comes with field track guides.
NO LONGER LOANING OUT - it's all online! Click here for the links! Honey Files Video & Teachers Guide (Grades 4-6) Complete w/ lessons & a video on honeybees. Click to view the entire Teaching Guide grades 4-6. If you want to watch the video - now on YouTube - click here. Also check out the link at https://agclassroomstore.com/the-honey-files-a-bees-life/
Kick Seine Net & Equipment—Nets & equipment for your stream study. Contact Kelly for more info!
Take Me Fishing - SORRY!!! We no longer loan out fishing poles. You can contact the ODNR Division of Wildlife, District 3 Office in Portage Lakes about borrowing fishing poles at 330-664-2293 . Ask for Ken Fry or contact him directly at 330-245-3030. You may also check out the ODNR's Passport to Fishing link here.