Storm Water Management

What do I need a CAP for?

The Storm Water Management Regulations (SWMR) have been developed by the Wayne County Commissioners for the purpose of protecting Wayne County residents from the impacts of stormwater runoff pollution, sedimentation and erosion during and after non-farm, earth-disturbing activities.  These activities include, among others, residential, commercial and industrial site development as well as, construction grading associated with roadway and pipeline projects.  

A Guidance Document has also been developed as a supplement to the Storm Water Management Regulations. In addition to identifying and mitigating conditions that erode the quality of open waterways in the County, the Storm Water Management Regulations also allow Wayne County to maintain compliance status with the stormwater management requirements of the Ohio EPA.  The regulations and guidance document originally went into effect in June 2009.


All applicable non-farm, earth disturbing activities are required to complete a Construction Application for Permit (CAP). The CAP must be completed and submitted to the Wayne Soil and Water Conservation District Office. The Soil and Water Conservation District reviews the CAP and issues a Storm Water Construction Permit or a waiver to the Permit depending on the nature of the work and area of ground disturbed.  All activities require the implementation of sediment and erosion measures (See Sediment & Erosion Control Measures Fact Sheet).  In addition to implementing sediment and erosion control measures, activities disturbing more than one (1) acre of ground must construct permanent, Post-Construction Best Management Practices (BMP’s) as outlined in the regulations. Detailed CAP Instructions are available to help in the process of completing the CAP.

C.A.P. (Construction Application for Permit) Info

The latest modifications to the Wayne County Storm Water Management Regulations, Guidance Documents and Fee Schedule were adopted by the County Commissioners on April 8, 2015 and became effective on May 9, 2015.  Some of the changes in the regulations include non-dwelling, residential structures (i.e. storage buildings, detached garages, decks, etc.) 600 sf or less and commercial buildings, not used for carrying on business, 600 sf or less exempt  from completing a Construction Application for Permit (CAP). Please follow the links for the complete regulations, guidance documents and fee schedule.

Listed below are forms and information about the application for permit. All forms are in PDF format. 

If you have any questions regarding the Wayne County Storm Water Management Regulations, please feel free to call Rob Kastner, Water Management Engineer, at (330)-263-5376 or visit the SWCD office in the County Administration Building located at 428 W. Liberty Street, Wooster, Ohio 44691. The Wayne SWCD office is located in the lower level of the building.