Landowner Assistance
Pollinators & the Monarch Butterfly Need Your Help!
All documents are in PDF form, or links to sites.
Listed below are some wonderful documents that have great information about pollinators and Monarch Butterflies!
Helpful website links about Monarchs
Wayne SWCD
Wayne SWCD
Wayne SWCD
Ohio Pollinator Habitat Initiative
OPHI website
Differences between Dogbane, & Milkweed Types
Selecting Plants for Pollinators
Pollinator Partnership & NAPPC
Monarch Joint Venture
Monarch Joint Venture
Monarch Joint Venture
Xerces Society
Establishing Pollinator Meadows
Xerces Society
How to Plant Native Grass & Wildflower Seed - A Comprehive Guide...
Ohio Prairie Nursery Seed (OPN)
Where to BUY Native SEEDS & Mixes... a list/links by Wayne SWCD
Article in Farm & Dairy - how to plant wildflowers in Ohio... 5/10/22
AN UPDATE FROM OPHI - Ohio Pollinator Habitat Initiative - In 2023 , in the state of OHIO, they collected 3,425 gallons of pods from SWCD's across the state. That came out to 225lbs after they were cleaned. Since December, they have donated enough milkweed to cover 55.8 acres of Monarch supportive habitat!
Wayne SWCD's donation in 2023 with John, Kelly & Kathy.
The OPHI Trailer load of Milkweed Pods from 2023.
Ernst Conservation Seeds parntered with OPHI in 2023 to help De-fluff or remove the floss from the seed!
The stratified seeds had a monetary value of over $20,700 - they are NOT sold. They are given back freely across the state.
In 2024... the collection date has changed to start in October. And sadly in 2024... the decline of the Monarch's was very well noticed. Please don't give up hope! Collecting pods is just one way you can help. View this pamplet for more information about the OPHI program and yes, Wayne SWCD is involved. Please check the website for many great resources.
Conserving Water
All documents are in PDF form
ODNR - Water Efficiency at Home
ODNR - Water Efficiency in Your Own Back Yard
ODNR - Water Efficiency for Private Well Owners
ODNR - The Hydrologic Cycle
ODNR - Water Conservation Works